Registration agreement

Students License

Dear My User Name,
Below is your Students License with your personal user name and registration key. The Students License covers the next 60 days and is free of charge.
You can continue using SEQtools free of charge for as long as your wish by renewing your Student License every 60 days.

Remember to visit the SEQtools home page regularly. The homepage contains detailed descriptions of improvements and bug fixes.

You are always welcome to contact me if you have suggestions, comments, or if you experience problems with SEQtools. I hope you will enjoy using SEQtools.

Best regards,  Soeren

This license is issued to:
My User Name
The license is valid 60 days starting: 03-09-2008
and covers seqtools versions up to: 8.4.041
USER NAME = My User Name
REGISTRATION KEY = 16-113-547-479-11654
Enter the user name and registration key in the seqtools registration form exactly as they appear above.

Disclaimer: seqtools is provided as is without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. The use of the program is entirely at your own risk.
DSci Soeren W. Rasmussen, Valby DataCenter, Flintinge, Denmark